Saturday, October 17, 2009

book idea

                                                                I had chocolate chip pancakes and thought I could use them in my photographs. I wanted to make a cook book as my book idea but wanted to make it original. It started out to be a regular cook book but with red bull to keep college students awake for pulling all nighters.  Now I'm re thinking and I want to photograph snack food and make it look sexy and appetizing like the food you see on food network. In the chocolate chip pancakes photo, I used  a light source and fruit to to give the pancakes a lush enticing look. I researched cook books for college students and saw the healthy cook book, so I wanted to add humor and make an unhealthy cook book for all night study sessions for the REAL college student. My recipes could include things really simple and quick to make and leftovers in the fridge or pre-packed food that college kids would be likely to eat because there is no time to cook elaborate meals. 

1 comment:

  1. Those pancakes look great Mirida, but how come you haven't updated your blog as of late? You missed class on Wednesday, but the assignment was to post the design for your wallpaper on your blog by yesterday. Hopefully you can get something posted soon. See you in class Monday.
